
Welcome to Interdisciplinary Research Foundation!



International Conference on Slavonic and East European Studies:

“Traditions and Transformations”
London, UK – 23 June 2018
Deadline for proposals: 15 April 2018
Conference website: http://www.icsees.irf-network.org


2018 International Conference on Gender Studies

“(De)constructing Femininity and Masculinity”
London, UK – 30 June 2018
Deadline for proposals: 25 February 2018
Conference website: http://genderstudies.irf-network.org


Academic Writing Workshop

London, UK – 14 July 2018
Deadline for applications: 15 April 2018
Website: http://www.lcir.co.uk/academic-writing-workshop


“The Uncanny in Language, Literature and Culture” International Conference

London, UK – 18 August 2018
Deadline for proposals: 31 May 2018
Conference website: http://uncanny.irf-network.org

International Conference “Play, Masks and Make-believe:

Exploring Boundaries of Fictional Contexts”

London, UK – 22 September 2018
Deadline for proposals: 10 June 2018
Conference website: http://masks.lcir.co.uk


“Complexities, Appeals, and Paradoxes of Language”

International Conference

London, UK – 17 November 2018
Deadline for proposals: 10 June 2018
Conference website: http://language.lcir.co.uk

See more events on http://www.lcir.co.uk